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titles are available for free dowload as PDF files.
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Be Bold Believe
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459 pages
   Bold and Believing
(Coming Soon!)
Bold and Believing back
Inspirational readings for every day of the year!

Another book of inspirational daily readings.

Prayer Like Pizza
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Prayer Like Pizza back66 pages Out of Control
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Out of Control back78 pages
God is alive and still talking to us today.
Learn how to tune in and hear Him!

Things are really going haywire in our world today.
This book will help you cope.

The Big Question
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The Big Question back72 pages Death
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Death back50 pages
Don't believe what others tell you.
Find out the only thing God really wants!

We shouldn't be afraid of death.
Pure love awaits us at the end of life's journey.

Be Bold Be Happy
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Be Bold Be Happy98 pages Shades of Gray
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Shades of Gray back54 pages
Pain and suffering are making so many unhappy.
But happiness is more attainable than you think!

Our world has become so complicated.
Keep in mind that not everything is black or white!

Givers and Takers
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Givers and Takers back84 pages We Are All Family
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We Are All Family74 pages
There are two types of people: "givers" & "takers".
But only one is truly happy!

We need to stop treating each other like enemies.
After all, we are all family!

Be Bold Be Kind
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Be Bold Be Kind back56 pages I'm a Bad Christian
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I'm a Bad Christian back186 pages
Mean people do bad things and make the news.
But being kind gets us a lot further in life!

Stop trying to be such a "good" Christian.
It's not at all difficult to please God!

I Don't Believe in God
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I Don't Believe in God back102 pages The Certainty of Everything
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The Certainty of Everything back136 pages
Are God and science even compatible?
See how God fits into our universe.

We look for life outside our universe.
But is it ever really going to get us anywhere?

Passion and Attraction
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Passion and Attraction back214 pages
Let There be Sex
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Sex back67 pages
Our guide to lasting happiness in relationships.
And our cure for lonliness!

Religion demonizes sex and the human body.
It's time that we stopped being so fake!

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Whispers back
76 pages
Perlus Poetikas
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Poetikas back46 pages
Angels and an invisible world actually exist.
Read exciting eyewitness accounts here!

A small selection of our favorite poems.
Read them to be wise!

Old Testament
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Old Testament back178 pages New Testament
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New Testament back222 pages
Assorted Bible memory verses.
From the Old Testament.

Assorted Bible memory verses.
From the New Testament.

Discipleship Handbook
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Discipleship Handbook back256 pages Don Quixote
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Don Quixote back94 pages
Discipleship compendium of quotations.
Grouped by topic.

Quotes from the classic, "Don Quixote".
Wacky bits of wit, wisdom and humor!

Atrevete a Creer
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Atrevete back462 pages Pasion y Atraccion
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Pasion back218 pages
Lecturas inspiradoras para cada día del año.

Nuestra guía para una relación feliz y perdurable.

Ouse Crer
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Ouse Crer back462 pages Sussuros
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Sussuros back70 pages
Leituras inspiradoras para cada dia do ano.

Estorías de anjos e o mundo invisível.

Sois Courageux
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Sois Courageaux back431 pages
Réfexions inspirées pour chaque jour de l'année.

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(Sponsors of Hope is not affiliated with any church, denomination or religious organization.)